
Dima Zicer

Born in 1966 in Leningrad.
Graduated from Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (philology) and Russian State Institute of Performing Arts (directing).
PhD in pedagogy.

Sasha, Franklin
Why Dima and not Dmitriy?
Dima Zicer
My parents wanted to call me Dima, but for some reason they had the idea that the full name Dmitriy can be shortened to Mitya, and mum didn’t like the name Mitya. So they decided that the full name should be Vadim. At school it started transforming into Vadik, which I didn’t like. So at some moment I decided that I will be Dima and that’s it.
Long ago I started practicing a creative approach towards education because most of all I’m interested in the relationship a person has with another person, with the world around them, with their profession, with their knowledge, and with himself. For many years I have been working with great pleasure on various pedagogical and educational projects in many countries: Israel, the USA, Ukraine, the Baltic countries, Russia and others.
The full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army dramatically changed not only what I do, but my entire life. From that day on, I have no connection with any of the educational and personal projects in Russia.

I’m sure that at any age a person has a right to happiness, that our communication with children and their communication with us can be the most wonderful way of spending your time. This is what most of my books, articles, public talks, TV and radio programs are about. You can find them in the “Read” and “Watch” sections.

The titles of the books “Freedom From Education”, “Love Not Educate”, “Practical Pedagogy: The ABC of IE”, “(NO REASON) Why to Go to School”, “On Meaninglessness of Mentoring Teenagers” speak for themselves, I think.

I host a weekly program “Love NOT Educate”. (Before the 24th of February 2022 it used to be broadcast on radio “Mayak” and now, after I left because I can’t imagine myself continuing to collaborate with a state channel, I’m creating it together with the “Libo-Libo” studio on my YouTube channel and in podcasts).

In 2020 my program became a laureate of the national award “Radiomania” (Gold Microphone in the nomination “Best Radio Show”).

I sincerely believe that every person is born free and cannot and must not be subject to discrimination based on their gender, nationality, interests, age. While the world does more or less agree with the first items on this list, it is not so for age (especially the young age): children are the largest group of people facing discrimination. In my opinion, this state of affairs is unfair and dangerous not only to children but to the humanity in general. I am trying to change that.

Together with my coleagues I’m implementing an educational approach that we call Informal Education (see the book “Practical Pedagogy: The ABC of IE”) and it brings me great joy. It is on those principles that all the pedagogical projects that I am engaged in are based.

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Dissertation topic
"The factor of freedom in the development of relationships between children and parents"